Lyric discussion by pharmageek 

For more info and clarification into how this New House was "bought off" the Baptists, "I get the bills/and I get miffed", or what kind of agency "Swine-Tax" is to us Yanks, the Fall has an unofficial Fall Lyrics Parade linked to their website. Just Google, or use Yahoo (or my personal fave search site, Dogpile) "The Fall Lyric Parade" to get a direct URL to it! ps--the webguys who maintan the lyrical accuracy of that site are very receptive to users who can provide history or clearer lyrical content; for instance, I noticed a line from "Cruiser's Creek" that they had done as "Great sex behind steel cabinets..." that I've always heard myself go, "I crave sex behind steel cabinets", having that album, "This Nation's Saving Grace", in my collection I treat as a "top 10 selection at The NW Penthouse Near You" (my apt.) it gets played so much! So I emailed them with my hunch and on a visit to that site shortly after my email--lo and behold, the webguys must have seen that line in a different light, because they changed the wording in my favor! Sweet!

@pharmageek Thanks for the recommendation! But I think that site is gone now, or changed. Found this one though, which seems to be the same sort of site: "The Annotated Fall" at

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