Lyric discussion by sheslikeohsoemo 

songMEANINGS guys haha.

the mother theory sounds awesome. It's obviously about a girl he likes or whatever but i don't know.

i think it's interesting how it goes mother, we just can't get enough LOVER, we just gotta get it up.

i like the lover part, and the mother theory does make a lot of sense because he's trying to tell his mother how much he loves this girl and trying to tell the girl that she just needs to be patient and understand.

i also love the part where it goes social security number please credit card number please money please money please money please SOUL please

it's interesting. so very dryly sarcastic. it reminds me of something lazy boy would do.

beautiful piano anyways

and the intro makes me laugh "make my nipples hard. let's go"

anyways. pretty song :)

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