Lyric discussion by mark36 

I dunno what this song means to me, but I like the wordplay. "Dimetapp and Spinal Tap, A-City Maps and hand claps." Kind of like how some of REM's best songs have no real meaning, just a lot of words thrown together that sound good.

I have to respectfully, but forcefully, disagree that the lyrics are nonsense. The specific lines that you quote "Dimetapp and Spinal Tap, city maps and hand claps" are a concise distillation of what it is like to be on the road with a band. Someone is always sick, Spinal Tap is endlessly quoted, maps are folded and refolded, and music is listened to, harmonized with, and clapped along to regularly. This is not a deep song by any means, but as far as capturing a scene with economy, that line in particular is one of Tweedy's best in my...

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