Lyric discussion by MoonArcher92 

The first verse is about his relationship with a girl way out of his league, who's talking about suicide (the noose) and confusing him, because he didn't know she was depressed. He's obviously a hipster, because of the 'dance all night' part (haha, that amuses me greatly).

In the second verse he realizes she wasn't serious about committing suicide. She was just trying to get his attention, and she leaves a suicide note (presumably saying she's going to step in front of a car or jump off a bridge) and waits for him to come "save" her, and he says trying to save her is a waste of time because she just does it again.

The next verse is about him watching a program on some channel that's not necessarily very trustworthy, maybe about suicide again, and this time his girl really does commit suicide, and when he reads the note this time it says "And I dont care if you dont like it or just don't see", because she knows he stopped believing her.

The last few verses he realizes he's not really anything without her, so he jumps (off something- maybe onto ice or something) as a crowd watches, and they're all startled because nobody thought he would really do it. As he jumps, he sees the sunset one last time and wonders if he made a mistake, and begins to scream and the crowd is confused, but it's too late to do anything.

Overall a very sad song for me.

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