Lyric discussion by Booyacka 

Not quite sure about this song, I'm guessing the checkout girl noticed his cologne or something, but does Jill (or the narrator) find out her man was cheating on her with the checkout girl? Or is she an old girlfriend? what is the point of this song? Any ideas, people?

Jill kinda has as "O Harry" twist at the end here. At the beginning she's expressing her intimacy with her man by saying "This morning my man exclusively introduced me to some good extra loving". Jill is implying that only her man and no one else, is sharing this kind of special intimacy she describes. However, when she goes to the store and sees the cute girl at the counter, her insecurities and womanly intuition start getting to her. She tries to shake her doubts and act calm, but it is revealed that her intuition was right; the girl does...

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