Lyric discussion by Nodens 

This song might as well be the theme song to H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Every line of this song is related.

"Messenger of Fear in sight" A reference to Nyarlathotep, the messenger of the Old Ones.

"Hybrid children watch the sea Pray for Father, roaming free"

"Hybrids" are a reference to the offspring of Deep One / Human interbreeding. The Deep Ones are servitors of Cthulhu and Dagon, either of whom could be the "father" mentioned in the song.

"Crawling Chaos, underground cult has summoned, twisted sound"

Another reference to Nyarlathotep, who is also known as "The Crawling Chaos" or "The King in Yellow".

"Not dead which eternal lie stranger eons Death may die"

This is a version of the couplet made famous in "The Call of Cthulhu". The original version is "That is not dead which can eternal lie, for with strange aeons, even death may die".

"drain you of your sanity face The Thing That Should Not Be"

This is a refernce to what happens when humans are exposed to the old ones in Lovecraft's stories. His thesis really is that humans are insignificant in the cosmos, and that the universe does not really make sense. For example, in Lovecraft's universe, the Source of All Things is the blind idiot god, Azathoth. Humans who come too close to understanding these truths risk going insane, in that the human mind is no more caplable of withstanding these truths than our bodies are meant to withstand high speed impacts.

In many of Lovecraft's stories, insanity is the ultimate fate of his protagonists.

@Nodens Actually Hastur is the King in Yellow, who is also known as "The Unspeakable One" or "Him Who Should Not Be Named".

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