Lyric discussion by fieran_daychred 

Cover art for Situations lyrics by Jack Johnson

It's about religions. I'm not sure of what he's referring to in every case, but here's what I'm guessing:

Situation #1 is probably science as a religion. Science has really only come into its own in the last 100 years, and evidently it's too late because the world has already been jerked around by other religions. Something along the lines of evolution; or maybe it's just social atheism, where people understand that morality comes from within, not from a higher power.

Situation #2 is definately Catholicism. It's your only chance to go to heaven, and it's controlled by people who may not have the best interests of all people in mind.

Situation #3 is one in which everything in the universe happens for a reason--hence fate.

Situation #4 I'm still very unclear on. Maybe something like scientology, where a lot of celebrities go in for it, yet it really gives no specific answers to the questions people ask.