Lyric discussion by danny_Horney 

As said above, this song just represents all of life's letdowns. As we grow up we are all led to believe things that are simply UNTRUE.

We are led to believe that if we dont do drugs we will all be millionaires. We are led to believe that if we meet a girl and buy her flowers and treat her will be in love forever.

television and our school systems have a mass produced way of teaching people. We soon find out that "We've been had" and that everyone has their own path. Life is not the cookie cutter shape that we were told it will be given a few simple choices.

No, college doesnt make you successfull. No, she may not love you and in fact...she may cheat on you.

Life is life, not an afterschool special. We have all been had and no song represents this fact better than this one.

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