Lyric discussion by Eggos=yum 

He's the volcano, unpredictable and sudden. "don't hold yourself like that/ you'll hurt your knees, " refers to the common way people sit with their knees to their chests when they are angry. It seems like this guy is telling this girl that what he thinks they are and what she thinks they are are two different things because he won't allow himself to feel anything. He's telling her in the chorus over and over that she does not need him she does not need anything like him because it is pointless to build anything around a volacno because they just get burned along the way and the more she gives him the more she loves him.. the more he'll want just the opposite. Her reponse to him is.. not to be so honest with her, he threw his honesty up in her face like a wall, she thinks that he is just being honest to save her and she does not want/need to be saved, she wants so much more. In the end she's too much for him, she is just a phase for him but he needs her in a way that can't bee remedied. "but like a new disease, lord she's still too young to treat" doesn't refer to her age ..just the way she makes him feel, the wany she gets in his head like a disease but he can't treat it because he doesn't know how...she is dis disease without a cure and vice versa.

I hearing this too.

^I'm hearing this too

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