Lyric discussion by sleepyfrog 

omg u guys. have a proper listen to the song. MyPrivilege is on the right track.

The relationship they have is indeed a very fast-paced and sexual one, and even though the guy knows that being with her is seriously screwed up ("So what if we're making a scene now / You know she don't give a shit / When she's pawin' and grabbin' on me now / You know I don't mind a bit" - she gets on to him in public and stuff like that) it doesn't matter to him cos the sex is good and fast.

The "she aint no ball and chain" part means shes not a 'drag'; shes a rebel and constantly seeking fun even if it is against all the rules.

so there u go. my two cents. and i happen to be a MASSIVE offspring fan. so ner. i'll shut up now.

  • Lisa
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