Lyric discussion by Chinup 

division2ronin wrote: <i>Well, Ashcroft has pretty much taken over the Pentagon, the US effectively quit the UN and started war without a vote.</i>

Do you mean Rumsfeld? He's the Sec. of Defense. Ashcroft was Secretary of State. He didn't have anything to do with foreign policy.

kamehameha00 wrote: <i>This song is about corrupt generals in Vietnam. NOT BUSH. Ozzy Osbourne has even stated that he SUPPORTS BUSH AND THE WAR.</i>

well, i saw BS this summer, and when they played this song, they had a video playing that portrayed Bush as a clown, along with images of war - Iraq, Vietnam, etc. I'd be really surprised if Ozzy supported Bush.

Let's get something straight: the reason we are still talking about this song 30 years after it was written was that it clearly speaks about things that are somehow still relevant now. So maybe it was written with Vietnam in mind, but was also written about war in general. Why is that so hard to grasp?

Oh, and the guitar solos in this are incredible. The first one is more chaotic - the guitar and bass seem to be battling each other. The second one has a sort of victorious feel to it...

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