Lyric discussion by ninakazama 

Can anybody explain to me the line "let the right be wrong"? Maybe I'm just missing the point, but what could this mean? Thanks

@ninakazama Let the right (right to freedom, getting out of the abusive relationship etc) be wrong (likely referencing that the best way to break free isnt to burn down the house)

@ninakazana Sometimes the right thing to do is considered wrong in most circumstances. Occasionally, the wrong thing is the only right option. People face such dilemmas. While the comment about rhyme is reasonable, given the song, "let the right be wrong" makes some sense.

@ninakazama One interpretation is that that lyric goes against the Bible. And thus, we can argue that the song is unbiblical.

How do we know that? It says, in the 5th chapter of Isaiah, in the Bible, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil!!"

Is it evil to kill another human being in the same household? Consider this. Tell me, what's the sixth Commandment inside the Ten Commandments in the book of Exodus in the Bible? "Thou Shalt Not Kill." What did the woman do to the husband in the song?

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