Lyric discussion by ophelia219 

It seems to me that he saw this woman who appeared to be beautiful and carefree from afar. But once he took a closer look, he could see that she was as emotionally broken as he was. And through the internal torment that they both shared, he felt that perhaps there was some sort of connection. He could see himself in her and it was painful yet beautiful to watch. He thought that maybe for one night they could be together and make each other happy by either indulging in their own vices, without any judgement. Or, to just be in the company with someone who truly understands who you are. But they both knowingly make the decision to revel in the false sense of joy that the moment provides. All through the song the word 'Still' pops up. It seems to indicate that he saw her true beauty inspite of who she really was, and longed for the same.

ah somebody else who read scar tissue ;-)

that's exactly correct. People don't give RHCP enough credit in their lyrics

@ophelia219 I have this exact near exact interp cause it matches my actual life but the girl never hooked up with me due to my error then I think about what might have been but universally speaking I win in the long run cause I realize so much more about me via learning about her, so weird.... this universe we all live in.... I suspect she was into mysticisim now I am into mysticisim probably more than she was ever into it... I've always been more real I guess than most people....

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