Lyric discussion by drewlerman 

i love this song. i think it's really awesome the way that brendan points out the hypocrisy of society, while still acknowledging the hypocrisy of the "scene" itself. everyone's a fucking hypocrite, and that's okay. it's in our nature or something. no one can honestly claim to have never in their lives contradicted themselves. if you live in fear of going back on your word, that's stupid. that's the way the church built a dam on progress for hundreds of years. by being afraid of admitting that they were wrong. that maybe the world really isn't flat, and maybe putting leeches on your skin isn't the best way to cure illness, etc. pontification means nothing is an awesome line, because it's saying that just dressing up your beliefs in fancy rhetoric and self-aggrandizement is a waste of everyone's time. all the winter in chicago references also give it a kick ass tone.

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