Lyric discussion by animus impius 

i believe you may have misinterpreted this song quite a bit. i, first of all, would have to disagree with "To write a song such as this needs a helluva lot of sensitivity." the lyricism of leæther strip, and many other similar artists, is not sensitive by any means, for the simple fact that they are trying to provoke a large emotional response to the music. claus larsen, the single man behind leæther strip, has expressed that he does not agree with nazism, and i can thusly assume that he shares your contempt for the holocaust. however, he is portraying it in a light which will cause an emotional reaction within the listener, and it is there that i think you misjudged the song.

but i think this highlights another point: our current society is too quick to accurately judge anything that they may find remotely disagreeable. the fact that you condemned this song as sick, apparently without much thought given to the song itself as a whole, is one i find discouraging. yes, the language used is harsh and disconcerting, but the artist obviously felt it needed to be language of this intensity in order to convey the feelings he was trying to get across. had you maybe given more thought to his chosen songwriting, you would understand larsen's true meaning of this song.

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