Lyric discussion by XXChris805XX 

First I'll tell you what I think it's SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT. Then I'll tell you WHAT IT MEANS TO ME.

I think it's supposed to be about meeting a girl/guy that is really fake, and superficial. I like to call them "pop people." Anyway, it's about meeting one of those people, and feeding their ego to get what you want. Sex/money/ect. OR It's about two people doing drugs, which is extremly obvious from the lyrics if you ask me. The ocean is a metapore for drugs, falling off the earth is about the feeling of being high.

Now what it means to me personally is the following. I was in a relationship with a girl for about two years, and during that time I stopped talking to all my friends, and family. Eventually they stopped calling me, and kinda forgot about. Then when me and the girl broke up, I felt like I fell off the earth. I put all my friend and family on the backburner for so long that I had no would to talk to, hang out with, etc.

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