Lyric discussion by *FelipeVox* 

the saddest song radiohead have ever done

He says we gotta walk on... but there are always rocks (troubles) in our always... there are sirens atraccting us to death, to ruin... There are always branches tripping us as us speak...

And when the song says the just ´coz you feel doesnt mean it´s there, it´s about the plato´s cave... it´s about the doubt of reality... just ´coz you´re seeing, just ´coz you´re feeling, doesn´t mean it´s there...

So we got troubles in ours lives, but who said this life is reality? What´s real and what´s fake? Who are we? Is this a lie?

And in the end... we are just accidents waiting to happen... Excelente... the gratest radiohead´s song..

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