Lyric discussion by mimickid 

This song is about a breakup and its reprecussions. He didn't think of the relationship as a team, but more as a competition. he was always paranoid, and trying to be "on top" of the relationship. when she broke up with him, he felt defeated. he doesn't even want to be friends with her now because he knows how much they both cared for eachother and it would hurt to even see her face. All he really remembers from the relationship is the pain and the struggle, but not all the fun and love that they shared. every once and a while he feels the pain of his loss, but he doesn't want to admit that it was him that screwed things up, so he's always blaming her for everything. it makes him happy that she believed in him and kept trying to work things out, but sad that she did it and that he hurt her. but this is the way that he's always handled things. he just wants to disconnect; from her, from love, from relationships in general. a pretty sad song actually.

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