Lyric discussion by SpaceyLover11 

I think this song is about how people don't think that the big things in life are a big deal. For example, when Tori says, "Just another dead fag to you that's all; just another light missing in a long taxi line", she's saying that when a minority(like a homosexual, or "fag" as homophobic bigots call them)dies, some people think it's as insignificant as "another light missing in a long taxi line". Also, the line where Tori says, "You think you deserve a trust fund just because you want one; sure you talk the talk when you need to; I fear the whole world is starting to believe you", I think she's saying that the world is starting to get spoiled. Some people think they deserve certain things without even earning them. To me, this song is about all the problems in the world. Even though we think we've come so far in the world, there are still a lot of things that need to be fixed. I really love this song. It's everything I believe in, and it's one of Tori's best songs. Anyway, that's just my opinion!

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