Lyric discussion by deftonesgirl_57 

Cover art for Guns For All lyrics by George W. Bush

Do you even know why the right to own a gun is in the constitution? obviosly not. whywould i even ask? well, i'll tell ya why. it's so the people have some sort of power against the government. if people could not own guns, and one day, say, the president decided that he was gonna use his power over the military to take over the US and turn it into communism. Who could stop him? Well, certainly NOT the citizens, because they have no right to militia or right to guns. Is any of this making sense to you, or are you just that dumb.

anyway, if guns were illegal, then who would own one? why, criminals of course!! and we all want criminals to have more power than the good citizen. so that when he comes to rob my house and has a gun, i am powerless. Who wouldn't wanna be that way???