Lyric discussion by axenic 

i think its about uncovering something about his childhood that was he was denying, and is now just coming to terms with it.. not sure though, it doesn't seem to explain the full song.

This is my favoite SOAD song. Ive listened hard and tough for years about this. I believe this song is about the Jewish people and Isrial in particular. This is not anti-semitic at all. Its god speaking to his sons spoken people as though they were one. Tell everyone that im you, Jesus is god. All that jazz man, just liten to it with the nation of Isrial and Jesus in mind. The weapons referance could be about how America was and still is a large supplier of weapons to Isrial. America also had a hand in the...

No offense, but you need to brush up on your religion. Jesus isnt special to jews at all, to them he was just a carpenter.

Okay first of all. WTF Serj has obviously stated his opinion on religion and is a spiritual atheist sort of. He's probably a Deist but fucking hates this so called "god", as he stated "God wants war."

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