Lyric discussion by rhink 

This song rocks. To the person wondering what it's all about... it's about a person trapped by their own mistakes (Created my own prison), their repentance ("alone i drop and kneel"), and realization that only Christ's sacrifice can help them escape. He's in prison, about to stand trial before God himself: "a court is in session, a verdict is in no appeal on the docket today just my own sin"

He then sees Christ's sacrifice... "i hear a thunder in the distance see a vision of a cross" i feel the pain that was given on that sad day of loss "i hear a thunder in the distance see a vision of a cross i feel the pain that was given on that sad day of loss "

Only Christ holds the key to his prison and death: "a lion roars in the darkness only he holds the key"

The lion is Christ. Christ defeated death and only he possesses the key.

"i cry out to god seeking only his decision"

Crying out to God; seeking forgiveness and release.

"gabriel stands and confirms ive created my own prison"

Gabriel is one of the highest angels, often a messenger of God. He confirms what the speaker most feared... that he has created an inescapable prison. The song ends before the speaker finds his release... perhaps he is still searching.

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