7 Meanings
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Honest To A Fault Lyrics

i can't take back all the things that
i've done with my anger
sonic sounds constantly traveling
in and out of my blue screened mind
two drops down and here i thought
that you'd never treat me like that
where's my saviour?
hallowed thoughts you won and lost
i'm chained to your mind

if i fall behind
it's 'cause I'm waiting for now
will you fall in love with my anger?
Song Info
Submitted by
cbennett On Jan 27, 2002
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7 Meanings

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Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

goodtimesbadtimes has really, really, REALLY bad taste in music.

Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

Glad to be in the 2009 listing....

"fall in love with my anger" is in William Shakespeare's "As You Like It" (Google)

---> "they are all pointless with no meaning" = Goodtimesbadtimes, you are retarded.... getashovelandDIG

Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

this is my all time favorite ATDI song! just listen to the emotion in his voice! i think he is talking about his mood swings that the life a a musican put him through. sonic sounds being ATDI music. blue screen mind is a reference to computer - ms windows goes to a blue screen error message page when it really funks up. where's my savior i think is him questioning religion in his daily troubles. i think the last 3 line are about how people get stuck waiting for a future evnet to come (maybe love) and dont take action like they should, hence waiting for the now of which they are unsuspecting. greatest atdi song ever!

Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

This song is based on one thing: Anger. This man has been angry all his life. He has to get angry to do anything. He has tried to have relationships with some women (or men, it doesn't really address that), but each time they are turned away by his anger. People should find other ways to live their life than by being angry.

Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

sonic sounds constantly traveling in and out of my blue screened mind

Well, to me it's not a MS Window, but it's a blue screen like in the movies. It sounds like a relationship that he wishes could be better and in his blue screen he sees himself differently? It's just a thought.

Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

This is like my anthem.

Cover art for Honest To A Fault lyrics by At the Drive-In

this is my least favorite atdi song, actually i dont like any of their songs. they are all pointless with no meaning. the band is about as gay as elton john.