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3 A.M. Lyrics

Oh oh
Oh(yea) oh(yea) oh(yea)
Oh oh
Oh(yea) oh(yea) oh(yea)
Oh oh
Oh(yea) oh(yea) oh(yea) oh(yea)oh(yea)
There is no escaping (yo)(yo)
There's no place to hide(yo)(yo)
You scream, someone save me(yo)(yo)
But they don't pave no mind( yo) (yo)
(Good night)
Good bye

Your walkin' down a horror corridor
It's almost four in the mornin'
And your in a nightmare
It's horrible
Right there's the coroner
Waitin' for you
To turn the corner
So he can corner ya
Your a goner
He's on a ya
Out the corner of his cornea
He just saw you run
All you want is to rest
Cause you can't run anymore
Your done
All he wants is to kill you in front of an audience
While everybody
Is watchin' in the party applauding it
Here I sit while I'm caught up in deep thought again
Contemplating my next plot again
Swallowin' a colata pin
While I'm noddin'
In and out on the ottoman
at the Ramada Inn
Holdin' onto the pill bottle then
Stick my finger and swirl it round the bottom
And make sure I got all of it
Wake up naked at Mcdonald's
Blood all over me
Dead bodies
Behind the counter
Guess I must of just blacked out again
Not again

It's three am in the mornin'
Put my key in the door
There's bodies layin' all of the floor and
I don't remember how they got there but I guess I must of killed em
Killed em
I said
It's three am in the mornin'
Put my key in the door
There's bodies layin' all of the floor and
I don't remember how they got there but I guess I must of killed em
Killed em

Sitting nude in my living room
It's almost noon
I wonder what's on the tube
Maybe they'll show some boobs
Surfing every channel
Until I find Hannah Montana
Then I reach for the aloe and lanalin'
Blood all over the wall panel and dismantlin'
Every candle on top of the fire place
Grab my flannel and my bandana' then
Kiss the naked manequin' man again
You can see him standin' in my
Front window
If you look in
I'm just a hooligan
Who's use to usin' hallucinogens
Causin' illusions again
Brain contusions again
Cutting and bruising the skin
Raise the scissors and pins
Jesus when does it end
Phases that I go through
Dazed and not so confused
Days that I don't know who
Gave these molecules too
What am I gone do
Hey the prodigal son
The diabolical one
Very methodical
When I slaughter dem


She puts the lotion in the bucket
He puts the lotion on the skin
Or else it gets the hose again
She puts the lotion in the bucket
He puts the lotion on the skin
Or else it gets the hose again

I duck and I slash slice and gash
Last night was a blast
I can't quite remember when I
Had that much fun
Off a half pint fifth of Jack
My last Vic and a half
A flashlight
Up Kim Kardashians ass

I remember the first time
I dismembered the family member
December I think it was
I was having drinks with my cousin
And I wrapped him
In Christmas lights
Pushed him into the stinkin' tub
Cut him up into pieces
Then just when I went to drink his
I thought I outta drink his bath water
That outta be fun
That's when my days of serial murder man slaughter begun
The sight of blood excites me
That might be an artery son
Your blood coverin' screams
Just don't seem to bother me none
It's three am
And here I come
So you should probably run
A secret passage way around here
Man there's got to be one
Oh no there's probably none
He can scream all that he wants
Top of his lungs
It ain't no stoppin' me from choppin' him up(up)


yo (yo)
A yo (a yo)
yo (yo)
A yo (a yo)
yo (yo)
A yo (a yo)
yo (yo)
A yo ( a yo)
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40 Meanings

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Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

corrections: It's almost 4 in the mornin' and your in a to It's almost 4 in the mornin' and you're in a (LEARN CONTRACTIONS PLEASE PEOPLE, JESUS!)

Swallowing the Calotapin while... to Swallowing a Klonopin

Seconded. it's Klonopin.

Not Valid

why would u take the time to change to a contraction like holy ur a nerd bro lol just read dont need to make urself look like a smart ass

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It's very true. Just because everyone is ignorant (I didn't say dumb!) doesn't mean you can hate on the smarter ones. Some people like lefttheretodrown actually care and wanna make a corretion damn do you REALLY have to make a big ddeal out of the smallist of things just so YOU can look cool?!? Cool your jets, man!!

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Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

Did no one notice... "I'm just a hooligan who's used to using hallucinogens" I think maybe he's rapping about a bad trip on something, just a thought.

My Interpretation
Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

This song, along with the music video, is an evil demonic song in more ways than one. While most of the song is a fictional story of a deranged serial killer, It does have some realistic elements. First of All, as most people know, Eminem is also known as Slim Shady. Slim Shady is like the evil alter ego of Eminem. So in this song, as shown in the video, Eminem transforms into/gets possessed by Slim Shady and goes around killing people. Then the next day, after he turns back into Eminem, he can't remember killing those people, mostly because it wasn't Eminem that did it; it was Slim Shady.

The name of the song holds dark significance. 3 a.m., or rather the time between midnight and 3 a.m., is generally referred to as the "witching hour", while 3 a.m. is referred to as the "devil's hour". According to legend, it is when witches, demons, and ghosts are at their maximum power. So, it would make sense that the "demon" Slim Shady would be able to kill so many people at 3 a.m.

Also, at the end of the song, he does start chanting "Evil Rise". This is shown in the video, as every time the word "Rise" is said, Eminem raises his arms up.

Personally, I think its obvious that Eminem has sold his soul to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune, as so many of his songs have demonic elements to them.

My Interpretation

You're all working too hard to figure this out. Go talk to someone who actively works a recovery program or has spent a decent amount of tim in rehab and they can explain the song to you.

Not Valid

... or maybe he just likes to rap about demonic stuff. His songs don't necessarily reflect what he's really like. Besides, there's no such thing as "selling your soul to the devil".

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Anyway,I think your comment is fucking awesome.You must have taken great care of it.So you finally come up with such intuitive ideas.I read your comment between lines.I am really shocked,and I think you combed every line of the song. Yeah,critically,3 AM is not a great song.Eminem sang the song maybe just to hype his lame album.I was very disappointed after waiting for his album for almost 5 years.That was a terrible experience,just like you dated a girl for five years before you could make love with her,but when you got it on,you discovered that she was a transsexual.Fuck it. Although it ...

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Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

I think this song is about mental illness. When you have bipolar disorder, you will go crazy and fight with family or friends and then you don't remember why or even remember doing it. I think the whole song is about fights he's had. He talks about drug problems, alcohol problems, and I think the "i musta killed them" is just about how he must have fought with them.

My Interpretation
Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

You suck. This song rocks.

Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

i'm not sure if i would consider this one of his "serious" songs. contrary to "murder murder" and other early songs about crime and murder, eminem/marshall/slim no longer kills people out of desperation but because his brain is apparently messed up from all the drugs he use to do. i am hearing "a fleshlight of Kim Kardashian's ass." my opinion? it takes me a while to decide whether i like these new songs because his material and style is drastically different per album. being an enthusiast for his early material and underground styles, these new songs don't measure up; contrary, new eminem is new eminem so i stand by my artists.

I don't like you

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Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

T"he godfather for one"?? sorry but i hear "the diabolical one".

and what i dont get it why you people cant listen to a song and just enjoy it. he's just rapping here. having fun. it doesnt have to have a meaning. this song is sick.

Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

i think instead of the godfather of one its suposed to be the diabolical one at the end of the second verse...and i think its about him trying to get clean but he keeps slipping

very simplistic explanation, but I also think thats what the song portays ( half ass)

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Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

i agree wit Glocuster Eminem cant be respected as a hip hop legend cuz of his immature side... songs like like toy soldiers, sing for the moment, lose yourself, are all serious songs with incredible content. He shows lots of skill on his new album in terms of flow and vocabulary and speed, but he still lacks the content... you cant base a career on songs about your mom, your daughter, and pretending to be a freak killer or rape stories hes gotta be fucked in the head

yeah, but he is one of the most talented rappers i have ever heard. Scratch that, SONGWRITERS I've ever heard. He's a genius. I don't care for a lot of his songs. Lyrical content wise, but I do have to give credit where credit is due. He's incredible.

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Cover art for 3 A.M. lyrics by Eminem

"Out of the corner of his cornea he just saw you run/All you want is to rest 'cause you can't run anymore, you're done/All he wants is to kill you in front of an audience/While everybody's watching at the party applauding it"

Fucking A. All the internal rhyme, alliteration, etc... it's really quite poetic. Anyways, I think the song's about blacking out on drugs and killing people... it's really pretty obvious.