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Crying In The Chapel Lyrics

You saw me crying in the chapel,
The tears I shed were tears of joy,
I know the meaning of contentment,
Now I am happy with the lord.
Just a plain and simple chapel,
Where humble people go to pray,
I pray the lord that I’ll grow stronger,
As I live from day to day.
I’ve searched and I’ve searched,
But I couldn’t find,
No way on earth to gain peace of mind.
Now I’m happy in the chapel,
Where people are of one accord,
Yes, we gather in the chapel,
Just to sing and praise the lord.
You’ll search and you’ll search,
But you’ll never find,
No way on earth to gain piece of mind.
Take your troubles to the chapel,
Get down on your knees and pray,
Then your burdens will be lighter,
And you’ll surely find the way.
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Crying In The Chapel lyrics by Elvis Presley

I dont know why but I rly love this song. and it always sounds so familiar and makes me feel nostalgic... maybe I heard it sometime when I was little and its taking me back. who knows. oh elvis...

Cover art for Crying In The Chapel lyrics by Elvis Presley

I love this song!

-Just a plain and simple chapel (Chapels do not have to be super decorated and over the top, in fact simplicity is where the spirit of God is most, not where the eye is distracted with the wordly appearance, no offense to any church but I don't find the spirit of God where there is too much fancy) -Where humble people go to pray (humility! I found myself, I only feel the spirit of God when there are humble people in a room/ a church, just saying this by experience). I love how this song describes the real meaning of praising God. You might as well pray in a cave than in a building full of fancy and distraction!

Cover art for Crying In The Chapel lyrics by Elvis Presley

This song means a lot to me, because I have experienced being in chapels that are plain and yet, the feeling so special, where everyone is of one accord and where you feel peace of mind. This is the place where we gain strength, and hope to overcome the things we have to overcome in life, rather than thinking we can overcome on our own or have to be perfect. The light that we receive in church, is like the petrol we need in a car. God's light is our strength, we do not have to struggle or walk on our own. Thank you Artie Glenn for writing this beautiful inspired song! Thank you Elvis for singing so beautifully!