17 Meanings
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You Might Die Trying Lyrics

To change the world,
Start with one step.
However small,
The first step is hardest of all.

Once you get your gate,
You will walk in tall.
You said you never did,
Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
Cause you---

If you close your eyes,
Cause the house is on fire.
Think you couldn't move,
Until the fire dies.
The things you never did,
Oh, Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
You'd be as good as dead,
Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.

If you give, you, you begin to live.
If you give, you begin to live.
You begin, you get the world.
If youg give, you begin to give
You get get the world, you get the world.
If you give, you get to give.

You might die trying.
Oh, you might die trying.
Yeah, you might die trying.

The things you never did,
Cause you might die trying;
You'd be as good as dead.
You never did.
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Submitted by
just1_bigeyedfish On May 07, 2005
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

This is about the struggles of life, the hardship that ensues, and maybe even the American Dream. As a rough definition, the American Dream is one of success in life financially and wholistically overtime. In a sense, it's your ambition to succeed and personal drive that is put into a question. A question of mental and physical endurance that defines who you are, and if you will succeed. The man/woman who wishes to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a politician and has the premature notion to make the world a better place, you might die trying getting to where you want but you can do it.

"To change the world, starts with one step. However small, first step is hardest of all."

-Could be the escape of a negative environment, could be the institution of a program, could just be taking the first class in a pre-medicine regiment, and it could be the first hour of withdrawl from a hard narcotic.

"But once you get your gait, you'll be walkin tall."

-Once you get past the first trial, and succeed, it's going to get easier as time progresses. Keep you gait, keep walking, you will get to the light, but it wont be easy.

"You said you never did."

-Claiming denial, failure, and surrender. You're giving in to the fact that maybe you've tried and failed before.

"You might die trying."

-Get up, try again. If you want it bad enough you will get it, however the trail to destiny is rigid and dangerous. Pack a band-aid, cause you might die trying.

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

I wonder if the current comments haven't caught the most important part of this song... "You might die trying" contrasted with "When you give you begin to live". To me this speaks that when you "die to yourself", you can now find and help others. Putting others before ourselves. It is actually a good thing! When we die to our own needs and help others we actually feel more alive than ever. Anyone that has ever worked at a soup kitchen or done a mission trip knows this to be the case. So "dieing trying" is a good thing! If we could all die to our own selfish needs we would find a better world and a world that is more full of life. Let's all give! Then we will really begin to live!!! This lesson was taught to us in the teachings of Jesus. Peace. - Love this site!!!

My Interpretation

I completely agree with you! Great song!

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

This song has such a great vibe to it,I think it's about "hey if you want to see the changes in the world, than get cracking..you cant just 'close your eyes in the fire' you have to 'give and begin to live thaen you'll have the world'" It shows that youjus have to do little things and you'll learn and abe alive so much more, ti kind of goes with the beat of the song too

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

definately doesn't have the bands typical sound throughout... but I still like it. great vibes. definately along the "take the initative" lines...

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

I was extremely dissapointed with the new album. There are still several songs on the album that I enjoy thoroughly, and this is one of them. Along with "Steady as we Go." Both of these two songs have the older, more traditional DMB feel to it. The rest of the album is moving in a direction that I dont particularly care for.

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

When i heard the beginning of this song i thought it sounded some what like "two step" so i kept listening and as it went on it turned out not to be like two step at all but i still think it is one of the best songs on the cd cuz it does have that old dave matthews acoustic sound. but i think this song is about someone who is afraid to face the problems the world throws them because "they might die trying"

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

sounds like dodo in context..dying to lifes choices is a progression that all men must walk. as jesus died and was remembered as dying "to himself and for no other reason.. receiving nothing in exchange for his life..he actually received the life of the world in exchange. we all die to everyday choices, attitudes. eventually they start to produce noticable changes. to change a world of greed, competition and envy. we must begin by giving of ourselves and change our choices. we must die to our choice of being envious, greedy and hateful. its an enevitable progression in our lives...it begins by waking up. standing up and trying to change even if it brings about a death of an old choice.

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

Keeping with the fantasy (see the other songs from Stand Up) the guy hasn't made it in to the dreamgirl's party because in part he's afraid (he also can't find the door...) one or both of them could die trying. This goes back to what happened in Hello Again. The dreamgirl can dance around but she's not easy to visit. Suspended by angels in a hypnotic state, waking her might be a bad idea.

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

the dreamgirl in his bed is the spirit. this is the denoted feminine half of mankind (she is called pro 8:12 "wisdom") that he ever seeks after receiving the word (the masculine half). salvation begins at the recognition of jesus sacrifice for man. we receive the "word". afterwhich we seek after the feminine half to complete us the spirit or "wisdom". we seek after the spirit..in this case dave calls her his "dreamgirl". and to reach after her we must comprimise. we must die to or change our mind concerning previous choices we have made in life to be replaced with her choices.

we die to our choices while trying to receive the spirit.

Cover art for You Might Die Trying lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

"definately doesn't have the bands typical sound throughout... but I still like it. great vibes. definately along the "take the initative" lines... " I've never found DMB to have a typical sound, but I agree, this is a good song with a good message. be courageous and do what needs to be done!