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Linkin Park – In The End Lyrics 3 years ago

1. chill out...this a comment i made 20 years ago as an edgelord troll and my opinions on the band have changed since then

2. i'm never gonna tell anyone to stfu when they state their opinions, no matter how much i disagree with them, so to iterate: No i wont stfu and i will talk shit about whoever I want

3. have a nice day!

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 6 years ago
@[edenselite:25039] Does it matter?

The Connells – Scotty's Lament Lyrics 6 years ago
@[GwiberWyrdd:24766] I always assumed a song about Scotty from Star trek's Lament would contain the lyrics "I'm giving er all I've got Captain!" or comments about a general lack of dilithium (sp?) crystals and that one accident where he beamed up only half of a red shirt XD

C Company Featuring Terry Nelson – Battle Hymn Of Lt Calley Lyrics 7 years ago
@[BCLOUSER:15765] I have every right to comment because that is a right guaranteed to me in this free country (and before you counter with the cliche that its a free country because of the armed forces, lemme stop ya, this country's freedoms weren't at risk in Vietnam just as they wasn't in Iraq or Afghanistan)....yeah, everyone makes mistakes, but murdering an entire village of innocent people isn't an "oopsie" moment...this man stopped being a "hero" when he became a war criminal, but i'd say the military helicopter pilots who put themselves between the survivors of a massacred village of women and children and the bloodlusting G.I.s looking for more rape and murder are certainly heroes...people in the armed forces are human beings just like us and should therefore be held to the same laws, morals and standards that we are...

System of a Down – Chop Suey! Lyrics 11 years ago
pfft...such is a comment from an angry atheist over a decade ago...i'll just say this, is it not dogma to be shepherd to the lost little lambs? a good christian's duty is to save others souls by brining them into the fold (conversion), of course they are well intentioned, thinking that a person will be better off as part of the flock because their soul will reach heaven and all (altho it could be argued that the more sheep you convert the more brownie points you get with st peter). I praise christians who can speak about their beliefs without consciously or unconsciously adding a sales pitch to their rhetoric, because its pretty fucking hard not to...

Radiohead – Paranoid Android Lyrics 11 years ago
yes quite a bold comment i made.... 11 eleven years my early 20s...>_> ...however i do believe that this song illustrates the effortless genius the band has been known to display, a hyper literate song patched together from three seperate songs becomes a hit on mtv? wether or not a better song has been made, this is still pretty damn good...

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 12 years ago
@gurkha - no way do i believe this song to be their best, although i can say with some certainty that it is probably their greatest single based upon its impact and popularity...if Radiohead had not dont a 180 and made The Bends this song might have been their only hit and would have relegated them to one hit wonder is an important song in their canon and i still enjoy as much as i used to when i first heard it nearly 20 years ago

Queens of the Stone Age – The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret Lyrics 12 years ago
shit, I was way fucking off on this one...*shakes head* DISLIKE

C Company Featuring Terry Nelson – Battle Hymn Of Lt Calley Lyrics 14 years ago
should be renamed "Battle Hymn of A Mass Murderer"
may the victims of My Lai haunt Calley and his superiors for what is left of their days...

Far – Girl Lyrics 14 years ago
Tits or GTFO

Ramones – I Don't Want to Live This Life (Anymore) Lyrics 17 years ago
why does it have to be a sex pistols song to be about sid and nancy...the ramones and sex pistols ran the same circles at the same time, both being part of the punk seems obvious why they would make a tribute to them...

of course its about sid and nancy...

Prussian Blue – Aryan Man Awake Lyrics 17 years ago
holy shit this is the most fucked up thing ive ever heard of...nazi teenyboppers? definitely not a case of responsible or "good" parenting...

the only time someone needs to defend their race is when its attacked by racism, and then not so much defend as in fight for equality...there is as much racism against whites as there is against blacks but it goes mostly unnoticed since we were right bastards for hundreds of the end it doesnt matter about race...people should stop wasting time worrying about whats on the outside and start worrying about whats on the inside...

Charlie Daniels Band – This Ain't No Rag It's A Flag Lyrics 17 years ago
country musician or hate monger?...charlie daniels has shown nothing but contempt for anything not pertaining to his country, race and creed for the few years since 9/11...its nice and well that he has the right to say ignorant things but maybe the words of a an old xenophobic southern bigot not be broadcast for impressionable people to surprised he didnt urge people to go out and lynch anyone who looks middle-eastern...

charlie, shut the fuck up...

Flyleaf – Cassie Lyrics 18 years ago
the song is based on a tostiitos said...there was an eye witness that confirmed that cassie wasnt asked about god, and scott was the first person shot outside the school...the whole urban legend was blown out of proportion by christians looking to spread their message...thats why her mother published the book, she wanted to think her daughter was a martyr, but didnt look at the facts...kinda pathetic, that the one who was asked about god was actually spared, and all the christans crying like the columbine shootings was done by evil satanists or some bullshit...

dont delude yourself, cassie didnt say a damn thing...she died cuz she was in the wrong place at the wrong time...

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah pilgrem56, maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself as well?

and I had a reason...but seeing as youre dragging this up 4 years after the fact, kinda makes you look like a sad individual...

DC Talk – Jesus Freak Lyrics 18 years ago
well here it is 4 years since I posted and nope I still dont believe in untruths...its funny listening to all the christians on here saying theyre praying that I find the lord and jesus, blah blah say youre tolerant and love everyone and yet you arent tolerant of my beliefs, in your eyes I shouldnt deny the boogieman and his sorry but jesus doesnt love me, hes not inside of me, and ill never know him, because even if he did exist, which we cant prove, hes dead, hes been worm food for 2000 years...I have nothing to do with some prophet 2000 years ago and his blood does not run through my veins, because im not related to him, my ancestors are from great britain and the ukraine, so I dont jewish or arabic blood in my go ahead and keep standing on your pedestal and preaching to people who dont wanna hear your ravings, especially chocolate who ive dissected in the forum many times, we'll just keep walking by and living our lives the way we choose...

also to the guy above who listed polytheism, monotheism, and atheism as three forms, you forget pantheism...

Panic! at the Disco – I Write Sins Not Tragedies Lyrics 18 years ago
real rock like the pussycat dolls, wait arent they pop? and its still 2006...


Daddy Yankee – Gasolina Lyrics 18 years ago
punk rock14...dont act or brag like you have some power over who gets banned and who dont have any personal channel to the admins or mods so stop making like you do...get your head out of your ass...

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dani California Lyrics 18 years ago
I got that impression too...from the chorus, california rest in peace...and its the first time the character dani has been refered to as dani california, or even dani in actuality...maybe in this song dani represents not only girls kiedis has known but also a personification of california and what it stands for...

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dani California Lyrics 18 years ago
what nickelback part? that was nirvana, dumbass...

anyways, this song is about a girl named dani, who was the subject of a couple other songs, by the way and californication, who represents every girl kiedis ever the song it documents her fate, as she turns to a life of crime and dies violently...

Tool – 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2) Lyrics 18 years ago
trexor made his decision on this album way before it was released...that should tell you something right way is he gonna go back on his disgustingly oversized ego and say his unjustified pre-judgement was incorrect...thats pretty sad, that you cant enjoy an album because of prejudice...i think next time you should skip buying into the hoax hype and bury your head under a pillow for a good while...

System of a Down – P.L.U.C.K. Lyrics 19 years ago
I posted this in the forum...

did you realize that even though bush promised in his campaign to armenian-americans that he would officially recognize the armenian genocide at the hands of the turks as just that, a genocide, in each year of his first term he did not use the phrase genocide, therefore lying to those he promised to...he does this because turkey is a value to the US in NATO and for strategic army bases, even though turkey offically denies that the genocide was a genocide and have leveled there own campaign of lies all over the world since 1922, including recruiting turk friendly professors to spread their propaganda in US college and universities, and as well as charging anyone who mentions the genocide in their country with ethnic/racial hatred and sentencing them to ten years in prison...they even invited armenian historians to come and join with turkish historians to discover what really happened and for them to open their archives, witch which the armenians replied that the world already knows what happene d and their archives are always open...they have spread lies such as armenians were massacring turks, and continully attempt to erase the fact that armenians ever lived there by destroying vilages and archetecture and landmarks associated with the armenians...they have used their politcal clout to stop movies from being made about the genocide and even has a plan to lie to students of the country by telling them that turkey never exterminated any minorities, going so far as to have children write essays about how turks are wrongly accused and how to fight the allegations leveled on them...its just insane how cowardly they are...but of course theyre our allie so they can exert their power on the us president, making our current sort of president lie to his own people (like that doesnt happen often but i digress)...something to chew on...

Weezer – Beverly Hills Lyrics 19 years ago
this is by far the worst piddly ass dr seuss songwriting ive ever far weezers worst song and worst performance ever...has rivers gotten so arrogant or complacent or lazy that he thinks this passes as actual music?! its so sad that weezer has adopted the work ethic of quantity of quality...weezer is by far the most overrated band out there now, they have steadily gotten worse over the years, like the one above me said, there will never be another blue album or pinkerton ever again and I highly doubt that there will be any quality album by weezer for a long time to come...

Hot Rod Circuit – Safely Lyrics 20 years ago
this is a great song...I have friends this could apply to...and to myself as well, ive felt this way...ive had to talk friends back from the brink of suicide and i just barely got them thru it...and for sure in my life ive felt hopeless and out of touch and had to claw my way back...this song seems to be in synch with that feeling...hopefully we all get to where we need to go safely...

Radiohead – 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm) Lyrics 20 years ago
this song makes my life a better place to live...heh

A Perfect Circle – Weak And Powerless Lyrics 20 years ago
jam another dragon down the hole....thats referencing the mechanics of a needle as you push the plunger and the drugs go into yur veins...

A Perfect Circle – Weak And Powerless Lyrics 20 years ago
like most of the songs on the 13th step its about drug addiction....sometimes addiction is refered to as a monkey on ones back...and the words china white refer to heroin...the type of heroin known as china white...and approaching the bottom is pretty straightforward

Thrice – Stare At The Sun Lyrics 20 years ago
this song is pretty straightforward...hes trying to find a religious or spiritual path that makes sense to him...this is like the theme song to my always searching for something to believe in...and im a person who examines every path and way of thinking...anyways the song is pretty catchy too...

A Perfect Circle – The Hollow Lyrics 20 years ago
Its funny, I used to listen to just a few of APCs songs and this wasnt one of them but then I listened to it realy good and decided its my favorite APC me it has sort of a vampire how vampire must feed on blood and emotion because they have none themselves..they must leech off living humans to survive...its an addiction...and with sex well vampires are usually very sexual beings...vampirism is sorta about hedonism and giving into yur desires and what not...just my two cents...

System of a Down – Science (feat. Arto Tunçboyacıyan) Lyrics 21 years ago
interex, you are truly an ignorant, bigoted person,there is no proof, the bible isnt proof, its fuckin toilet paper as far as im concerned...oh and iranian is a faggot cuz hes against youre vision of the world....real classy buddy know what they say about homophobes dont you? jesus never existed and god doesnt exist, only we exist and I dont beleive in satan so how can he exist? he doesnt....

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 21 years ago
dont fucking pray for me, I dont need your pity for knowing the truth

P.O.D. – Youth Of The Nation Lyrics 21 years ago
I was a chrsitian and believed blindly what I was told....then I woke up....and if you can feel jesus yur obviously touched in the head...when I blindly believed nothing happened, no heavenly voices called to me nor did I ever feel the presence of any deity....chrisitianity as a religion is absurd at most....I see that and I see the truth....I dont need your god or jesus to be happy, im happy knowing the truth and please, please dont pray for me, I dont need pity for being right...

Queens of the Stone Age – Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Lyrics 21 years ago
I suspect that this song is an answer to critics and music peeps who call Queens a stoner rock band....theyre like oh we're stoner rock? might as well give them what they want.....I read an interview with Homme and he said he doesnt do drugs....

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 21 years ago
I doubt praying for voiceofKATAR will help him, you douchebag....

Ash – A Life Less Ordinary Lyrics 21 years ago
Not only the best Ash song but one of my all time favorite songs as well....its a work of art.....

Queens of the Stone Age – Go With The Flow Lyrics 21 years ago
the video for this song is fuckin amazing, coolest and best video ive seen in a long while in this dark age of crappy rap metal and boy groups and slutty female role models....R O C K is the end of the video the two crashed trucks, I believe, becomes sperm and flys around to the girl I believe....I cant remember exactly cuz ive only seen it twice, but im pretty sure of the sperm part...

Chevelle – Send The Pain Below Lyrics 21 years ago
this is the worst song ive heard this year....the red is better than this song and it sucks too...all we need is another crappy throwaway band, right....this band sucks ass....

Radiohead – Paranoid Android Lyrics 21 years ago
jove is this crazy member who keeps coming back....I think he thinks of himself like a prophet or sumthing....hes pretty fucked in the head....heheh

P.O.D. – Youth Of The Nation Lyrics 21 years ago
to get back on topic this song means alot to me....which makes me kinda ashamed cuz I hate this band and their music....but this song was the theme song for the worst day of my entire life...I kept hearing this song and it just clicked for was really really weird, cuz the worst day of my life and the meaning of this song are very similiar

Queens of the Stone Age – The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret Lyrics 21 years ago
hmmm lick em

Queens of the Stone Age – No One Knows Lyrics 21 years ago
yeah I noticed Troy was in there.....I recognized him from A perfect circle...and I read he was playing with QOTSA and I thought that was him in the video and on MADtv...I think hes with the queens full time cuz they replaced him in a perfect circle with twiggy ramirez

System of a Down – Science (feat. Arto Tunçboyacıyan) Lyrics 21 years ago
im against all monotheistic religions, christianity, judaism, and islam....christian is just the main one cuz it gets shoved in my face everyday when I read the paper or turn on the tv or walk out my door....thats why I dislike it...cuz it gets shoved down my throat and it has been shoved done said throat for 22 im bitter....oh well....I believe there are supernatural things out there...I just feel when a relgion goes to a church or joins a crowd they become a mob and attack those who are yes christianism, judaism and islamism are all group activities and where there is mobs there is violence...christians who want to hurt abortionists or gays or pagans, jewish people who want to kill muslims and muslims who want to kill everyone not like them....and no Im not saying that all these people are like that...mostly its just a small group of dont attack me for generalizing...I just dont think faith can answer questions that only science was meant to answer....

Dashboard Confessional – Remember to Breathe Lyrics 22 years ago
I love this sorry but I do...and if any of you have a problem with that well then go kiss my big toe....wait stop yelling at me what did I say?!! you are all crazy!! ahhhhhh!!! oh wait....sorry I zoned out....anyway this is one of my fav songs of all time, no im serious really, oh you all are all dead to me, you hear that!! I will never ever lend any of you any money ever!!! so there!!! chew on that....wait uh oh I hear sirens....I just escaped from the hospital, just disregard this whole comment except for the whole this song kicks ass part, k? buh bye!!

Creed – My Sacrifice Lyrics 22 years ago
wow some of you guys are really cool
u make very valid statments....for u can see the true meaning behind what everyone calls religion
very true.....I see the whole picture, not braggin though
blueisaverb: I do respect yur opinion, you are truly a stand up person for not blasting me like the have class, and you are a credit to your religon....
jonathan0226: im sorry if some of what I said did offend you, but im only human, I get frustrated and fed up and I get mad and I say things that are sure many others are the same way, but like blueisaverb you have tremendous class and are a credit to your religion...
dcboy127: thanks....for not casting the first stone
harvynder: glad you agree with stuff I agree are truly enlightened as I....wait that sounded dumb....never mind....I think I started this civil war so Im glad to have ended it....
and crush satans head if you kick fuckyoualls ass I will totally kick you in the nuts....dumbass

System of a Down – Science (feat. Arto Tunçboyacıyan) Lyrics 22 years ago
to cairey, thanks, good point, Godsmacked yes I do have a lot of anger stored up when I release it rages outta more mellow now , I wrote these things at a time when I was incredibly frustrated, angry, and fed up with the world....people said truth and science is not the same thing, like religion is is what the world is made explains the is the only truth without heresay...there are things out there that are unexplainable and are ignored by scinentists too blinded by their own pride and ego.....but I dont think a christian can be a scientist, christian science is an oxymoron....

Queens of the Stone Age – The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret Lyrics 22 years ago
fuck that....QOTSA are waaay bettr than kyuss, eons better.....

P.O.D. – Youth Of The Nation Lyrics 22 years ago
question of the day....god or no god....I saw people come in and say there DEFINITELY IS A GOD!! well see um thats really just yur opinion because we have no proof of god existing so it is a hypothesis not a law, and if you have a problem with what I see too bad....all im doing is stating my opinions which may or may not be right, hell I dont know...but I do know that hiphopgirl and this other retard who said non believers dont know what to believe in when they dont believe in god are both smoking too much crack....heh

Queens of the Stone Age – The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret Lyrics 22 years ago
Josh Homme, the lead singer, Nick Oliveri, The bassist, and original drummer Alfredo Hernandez, were all a part of the band Kyuss....

Saves the Day – Freakish Lyrics 22 years ago
I got this song stuck in my head right now....its just a great song indicitive of Saves The Day...most of their songs are great but this song is a little better than the others....Saves the Day just rock my socks off....:D

Queens of the Stone Age – The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret Lyrics 22 years ago
you guys are right.....they really sound like no one else....I thought about it and realized that....they are quite unique...

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