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Bobby Goldsboro – Honey Lyrics 7 years ago
So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to pick up the fact that this is one super polarizing song. It seems people either love it and lose their s#$t crying over it because they perceive it as a sad, moving little song about a man mourning the loss of his wife. Or they despise it for being saccharine, cloying and generic. I can say whole heartedly that I fall very much into the former category in terms of reaction, IE, I bawl like a baby. However, it seems the reasoning is a bit on the unconventional side. My interpretation of this song is not that it is simply a sentimental rumination of a sad man mourning the death of wife, but instead a tragic and somewhat sinister allusion to an incredibly unhealthy relationship between a deeply selfish, oblivious man and a clinically depressed woman that who was driven to suicide in large part by his selfishness that he remains oblivious to. This only really becomes apparent when you remove the melody of the song a focus entirely on the lyrics, but my god, read between the lines and it's very plain that whats being described is actually an incredibly toxic relationship. The narrator alludes from the beginning that he often laughs at his wife, either because she sliped and hurt herself, it which case no husband should ever be laughing, or simply because he perceives her as being very childish. He even inadvertently puts her down several time over the coarse of the song, such as when he describes her as "Kinda dumb" but far more tellingly the reasoning behind his perception of her being immature is rooted in the allusion that she is overly compassionate, such as her actions with the sapling tree in the snow, or the fact that she demonstrates extreme emotional fragility, as he often finds her crying for reasons very minor of no apparent reason at all. Every one of those behaviors can very easily be interpreted as manifestations of clinical depression. As if that's not enough, he alludes that she was frightened of his abusive temper over her damaging the car, then he confirms those fears by alluding that he went out of his way to act angry about it, neither one of those sentiments indicates a healthy relationship I can tell you. Then the fact that he says that he was just out one day for some unspecified reason and the "Angels came" what is that about? He never said honey was suffering from a terminal illness, he never alluded it was a murder, so we can presume his wife probably committed suicide from her depression, and through it all he remains totally unaware or in denial about the role he played in driving his wife to that state. And the truly tragic part is that for all his flaws, he's not a monstrous sociopath or anything. He obviously loved his wife in his way and misses her, he even demonstrates that he at least made attempts to please her, like buying her a puppy for Christmas, yet the very next line boomerangs back around to how the dog negatively affected him with it's barking, providing a final indication to how deeply his selfishness runs and the tragic reality of how often people walk in and out of toxic relationships and how easy it is for bad things to happen not simply because people themselves are inherently bad just mentally damaged and emotionally non functioning. Whew!!! Anyway that's my two-thousand cents, hope it was interesting and expanded people's appreciation for this musical poem.

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