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Sarah McLachlan – Mary Lyrics 11 years ago
To me it is a story of awakening. It has nothing to do with Mary Magdoline other than to make reference to her as the representation of the divine feminine spirit perhaps.

Mary - this is her name identity, her flesh. She realizes her life has not gone as she hoped and she hangs her head - classic body language for sadness, defeat etc.

"To find herself faded a shadow of what she once was"
Perhaps a shadow of her childhood self (because kids are so full of light and close to source) or it may even go deeper spiritually to reference how she is in her shadow-self and is not the light of spirit she came in as. .

"How long have I been sleeping and why do I feel so old"
A reference to time passing and her aging body, and perhaps also because when you are in a depressed state you really feel weighed down and old, tired, sad all the time.

"My heart is saying one thing but my body won't let go"
This is the struggle during the time of awakening, to try and follow your heart and how the body and mind have built up so much resistance to that idea that it is really hard to let go.

"She reaches up a stranger's flesh is offered"
This is about looking up to find yourself in moments of depression and crisis, the "stranger" is simply her spirit touching her and in that moment spirit is a stranger.

All the last to know reference stuff, to me, is about her body and physical self not yet understanding how her spirit is already there....she is just the last to know about it, to realize it, to appreciate it.

Now the tone changes. "Take her hand she will lead you through the fire" - this is about how the spirit will guide a person back to who they truly are, through all the BS that has piled on them through life.

"Hope you won't take too much, respecting what is left, she cradled us", again a tone change and I believe this speaks to mother earth itself as a massively creative life form that has given and given only to be abused and uncherished by humanity. Yet mother earth is still unselfish in her suffering and ever loving - there to heal us from the damage we have caused ourselves and to her. She has unconditional love for us.

So with all this EPIC stuff going on around Mary and her awakening, she is the last to know. Her mind, her physical self, is the last to let it all go and trust.

"Mary Walks" - she is now an embodiment of the divine feminine and she walks this earth...

This is a story of divine feminine awakening my friends, much more akin to Sarah McLachlan.

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