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Little Feat – Fat Man In The Bathtub Lyrics 11 years ago
First up I always heard it as chiquita - what does taquito mean and where did this come from?

I reckon it is possible to drop the drug references. I see the story like this: Billy is busy. He's in a hurry. He's pressed for time, squeezed between this spotcheck on Juanita and playing the cheesy side of town. He begs her for a quickie and is prepared to pay for the full time.

She says no; she doesn't like men who waste money like that. She says rushed sessions kill her, and asks him to come back when he has more time. She says she understands how Billy feels because she's ready too.

Billy sadly gets the message and has to rush off. As he does, he moans about how he just wanted a quick bit of fun with her and that he'd paid for the full time, he wanted was her to give him a break, especially as she was all ready.

This is cobbled from: Spotcheck meaning a person who pops up, quick etc. "But you caught me in the squeeze playin the cheesy side of town" shows he's trying to be in two place at the same time - he's caught in a hurry. He wanted some "Hit and Run".

"I put my money in your meter baby so it won't run down" - means he's paid her the full session, but she says she doesn't want anyone who "won't dive for dimes" (wastes money, even pennies), she likes to give her money's worth and she doesn't want any speed balls (quick parties) because she might die trying (perhaps if she's caught by her pimp or perhaps she'd have too many clients in one day, or perhaps quickies would bring her to an early grave etc), so he'd be better coming back Monday or Tuesday.

The fat man in the bathtub means both Billy sad in a tub at the end, and the reference to a ready clitoris as suggested elsewhere.

I do think it is about prostitution (money in meter, spotchecks etc), but I think it is NOT about drugs (all he wants is some good clean fun). What do y'all reckon to this?

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