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Snowmine – Let Me In Lyrics 6 years ago
Ok, so here's my interpretation of the song-- I see this from two perspectives. Two people that don't normally open up are in a relationship. But A feels like B may be the person they actually open up for. B is still closed off:

Person A-- likes person B a lot but doesn't trust person B and B doesn't trust A either. A is trying to remain coolheaded about everything, but can't stand that although B doesn't want anything serious, it doesn't stop him from being sweet and romantic when they're together. Only when they're together though. A starts to open up but then B pulls away. So A is in this constant internal battle like "I want you, no I don't. I need you, no I don't. Just let me in! No don't. Alright, at least get it together. You can't just use me as an excuse for your "lover/ romantic booty call" until you figure all your baggage out. Wait, yes you can. Because I crave your touch when it's not there... so I guess I'll be back."

Person B-- Hates that he relies on A for physical pleasure and feels very connected when they're together but not when they're apart (out of sight, out of mind) until that temptation rises up again. Sees that A is falling for him but doesn't want it and because B knows that A doesn't open up easily, assumes that she's just tired of failed relationships so is fine with settling for him. So B is like "I do like you. But I don't want to. And not like that anyway. Besides, you can't use me as an excuse for your "lover/ prince charming", that's not me. Damn it, we can't do this anymore... But I do need your warmth occasionally, so I'll be back"

Arctic Monkeys – Cornerstone Lyrics 10 years ago
Ok, a great deal of the Arctic Monkeys' songs make me think about the search for true love and how impossible it seems at times. I like the comparisons to The Bakery because I don't think there's actually a girl there, I think he's referring to the girl he'd love to find. He has an idea in his head and he's looking for the physical portrayal of this picture he's painted in his head.

He tries a wild girl (battleship) despite the warning signs, the warning lights have also altered his vision into thinking she could be the one but he doesn't even stand a chance when he tries to turn it into love ("my chances turned to toast").

He tries a sweet timid girl (that's the vision "huddled up" and "held me very tightly" gives me) but his vision is altered by the rust on the hook he's looking through. She sees that he is trying to turn her into something she's not, so this, too, falls apart.

He tries a girl from a crazy (loud) background ("parrot's beak", "smoke alarm") and they connect on some level ("so close that the walls were wet", which I think is referring to sex) but she spells it out for him, "N-O, I'm not that girl."

Finally, he finds someone so close to his dream girl, it's like they grew up together, they have the same foundation (cornerstone). She doesn't feel about him how he feels about her, so she leads him on because they're both lonely.

When he says "I elongated my way home", I think he's just talking about that feeling that many people have when they don't want to go to bed alone, so they stay out later than normal. And when he says "I smelt your scent on the seat-belt and kept my shortcuts to myself" I think he's saying this is the scent that my dream girl would wear, so when he does go home later, he thinks of this scent while he does what men do at night when they're alone (lol).

That's just my take. Or we could stick to a very literal interpretation and agree that he actually visited all these places as he desperately searched for his ex and when he couldn't find her he eventually settled for her disloyal sister. Either way, beautiful song!

Arctic Monkeys – If You Were There, Beware Lyrics 10 years ago
This is such a beautiful song! A lot of their more thought provoking songs make me think about the death of love, the loss of innocence, and the uncaringness of youth today. And that's exactly what this song makes me think of.

He seems to be saying it's a cruel world, where snakes are just waiting to get a piece of an innocent girl's soul. Everything is business as usual "three hundred and fifty, no thank you's and nobody flinches". And of course, the bad guys are on the same team. They're hounding her to make her say what they want to hear until she's lost her grace. Now another innocent is corrupted.

And it seems that things wouldn't need to be so bad if everyone was reasonable, but that doesn't matter they're "ambitiously vicious" and will do anything to get what they want. And the fact that he says neither of them have it, makes me think that they just want their misery, which is really what those "serpent soul pinchers" are--happiness haters. I love when he says "and whyyyyy leave her on herrrrr oooown"

Arctic Monkeys – Do Me a Favour Lyrics 10 years ago
This song, to me, seems to be about the end of a new relationship due to falling out of love, not cheating. I get the sense that the narrator of the song doesn't want to be with his girl anymore, but she still wants him. It's like he's seeing the end of everything just as it's started: "the morning was complete" , "it's the beginning of the end", "went up the hill and disappeared around the bend". And she's asking him all these questions, maybe Why? Why? Why!? And he's like damn just punch me, tell me to fuck off, just stop asking questions!

When he says "Curiosity becomes a heavy load, too heavy to hold...will force you to be cold," I think he's referring to that change from childhood naivety into experienced adulthood. It's like when you don't know anything everything is fine, but clearly in order to grow you must ask questions and discover things for yourself. But no one really knows what they're in for. It's too much of a weight and you become so cold from all the indecent exposure. It's like you don't even care about anything anymore.

Clearly, this guy and girl love each other, but he wants it to end (he just sees the signs in everything around him), but he doesn't care that much--he wants her to punch him, say fuck off, act like she doesn't care, anything! to alleviate his own guilty pain. And she's all disheveled, shoes untied, eyes red, broken heart and still she says "Stop flattering yourself" when he offers help. I Like the last line because it's like after you've been through some stuff with someone, you really need to find the right words to let them know it's over, you've probably said "fuck off" to each other many times before, so how do you know when it's really over? "How to tear apart the ties that bind"?

Sigh...another beautifully written song by Alex Turner

Arctic Monkeys – Teddy Picker Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is about the lack of talent in the general media. People can't be judged by their level of fame because there's no correlation between that and talent/passion. Clearly The Arctic Monkeys care a great deal about their music because of the depth of their lyrics coupled with their amazing sound(s). So many artists today take the storytelling out of music or show business in general. That's what he means by, They sped up to the point where they provoke you to tell the fucking punch line before you have told the joke". And celebrities are doing all these things to draw attention to themselves (like fools on parade) and pretending that it's real. "D'you reckon that they do it for a joke? D'you reckon that they make them take an oath..."

But kids see these things and they want it too. They want to "make it". But what's making it? Doing what you really care about, putting passion in your work, and "making it" as long as you play their little games? Or refusing to play their games and remaining unknown because you haven't got a spot on the Top 100's?

He's saying you try and try again and they're just like bend over so we can "fuck you in the
ass" (metaphorically) and make you dance like our little puppets and then you'll get what you want.

My favorite line in the song is "when did your list replace the twists and the turns like a fist replaced the kiss?" because it's so true people everywhere just seem to be giving up, selling out, in the media, in life in general, in terms of love. People forget their standards for something that's not even that exciting, it's just mediocrity being spewed from all directions. And everyone's saying fuck love. Ugh...but I love this song! I love The Arctic Monkeyssss

Arctic Monkeys – Teddy Picker Lyrics 10 years ago
These lyrics are more accurate:

They've sped up to the point where they provoke
The punch-line before they have told the joke
Plenty of desperation to be seen
Staring at the television screen

They've sped up to the point where they provoke you
To tell the fucking punch-line before you have told the joke
"Sorry, sunshine, it doesn't exist
It wasn't in the top 100 list."

And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder,
Don't be surprised when you get bent over,
They told you, but you were dying for it

Saw it and she grabbed it and it wasn't what it seemed
The kids all dream of making it, whatever that means
Another variation on a theme
A tangle on the television and a magazine
D'you reckon that they do it for a joke?
D'you reckon that they make 'em take an oath?
That says that we are defenders
Of any poser or professional pretender around

When did your list
Replace the twist and turn
Like a fist replaced the kiss?
Don't concern us with your bollocks
I don't want your prayer
Save it for the morning after

And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder,
Don't be surprised when you get bent over,
They told you, but you were gagging for it

Let's have a game on the teddy picker
Not quick enough, can I have it quicker?
Already thick, and you're getting thicker
Let's have a game on the teddy picker
Not quick enough, can I have it quicker?
Already thick, and you're getting thicker

Assuming that all things are equal?
Who'd want to be men of the people
When there's people like you?

Arctic Monkeys – Crying Lightning Lyrics 10 years ago
I think this song is the result of a guy trying to make a relationship work with a girl that he was physically attracted to instead of emotionally. At first, everything's great. He spots her outside of a cafe, she's doing something impressive, he starts to think dirty thoughts about her.

She's wrapped up in all her candy (false sweetness), saying "you caught me. Here, a gobstopper." She normally seems prude, but he accepts this invitation that she'll be sweet to him for longer than she normally is to other guys. And he loves that she does strange and twisted and deranged things. And he loves that she plays this game where she pretends something is wrong to get his attention. He is the icecream man. (and I think that line may also allude to sex on a rainy day, or something great after something not so great).

But they spend all their time together and it's like he doesn't even see himself if it's not with her. And she can't even pretend to be excited after all this time? And suddenly, all that sweetness she wrapped herself in isn't so sweet anymore. He's feels the toothache coming on from too much exposure to her and candy. He doesn't want to seem paranoid, but the evidence is all there-- that look of pride, her folded arms, her chest puffed out victoriously. And he hates all her cute little, attention-getting games, and how she aggravates him (seduces him) on rainy afternoons.

To everyone she seems uninviting (a prude) but she's really not that hard to get into behind closed doors. Because she's just constantly crying lightning!

Or just crying. Either way, he can't get away.

Arctic Monkeys – Secret Door Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is so beautifully written and makes me think of things like Narnia and The Secret Garden and other tales of beautiful and magical hidden places. This is one of my favorites of ALL of their songs. I've never taken this song to be about Alex and his girlfriend and the paparazzi but that does make complete sense.

This is how I see it: I've always thought of it as a shy guy admiring a confident girl. It seems at first that she just craves attention, but he realizes later that she doesn't crave it, she receives it and just doesn't let it bother her because she has a secret place that she escapes to....

Let's say the fools on parade are people in general. Everyone is trying to do the most to be recognized by anyone who will watch. He doesn't want to be watched, he'd rather watch everyone make a fool of themselves. She won't let the stares stop her from doing what she wants, though. She'll be a "fool" too.

He's not really living, he's in this dream world just watching everything happen. She kind of wakes him up and grabs his hand like, "hey, you wanna have fun or you wanna be this miserable guy judging everyone?"

Suddenly, they're in this place he couldn't even fathom (in love). He's astonished. She says nothing, just giggles, she's been here before. They go into their secret place and now he doesn't even care what the other fools are doing, he's completely occupied.

They're in this secret place--it's like they know everything around them is chaos, just fools on parade, but they've found their safe haven amidst it all--and he doesn't want to leave. But luckily, neither does she. And he realizes that she is smarter than he gave her credit for. She isn't a fool, after all. She's simply living by the words, "if you can't beat them, join them." But remember she's not really joining, just appearing to, because she has her secret door to escape behind, her secret passage behind the bookshelf. And that's how she can survive in that habitat. The other people are fools parading themselves in this crazy world, she's parading a different kind of crazy.

It's why she doesn't care what the others think as they watch her. They don't know what she knows, and what shy guy now knows, that there's more to life than trying to be noticed all the time or realizing that people just want to get noticed and being so turned off by it that you'd rather just sit there and watch them with the other spectators. The fools on parade are still fooling around trying to immortalize themselves through pictures and words "that holds her [absence]" but she doesn't care that she's missing the party. They conduct a sing-a-long....and clearly, she doesn't care.

Because they're behind the secret door of love!

Of Monsters And Men – Dirty Paws Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is not about WWII. It is obviously about nature vs. nature, with a hint of man vs. nature (forest colored black by killing machines; but I think that part was just a deferral in the animals' war). But it really is about animals preserving their territories against each other.

I'd rather see it as a fun made up land of happiness and minimal feuds though; like they had a problem, solved it, and now it's over and happy again. Let's not think too much about it and just enjoy the wonderful sound :)

Margot & the Nuclear So and So's – As Tall As Cliffs Lyrics 11 years ago
So I think this song is about everyone tiptoeing around everyone else's feelings and the singer is getting tired of it bc he doesn't want to be with his wife/gf anymore.

First stanza sounds like he's been telling her little lies to make her feel good about herself, i.e. her lisp isn't that bad when it's pretty obvious that it is. His cripple cough could be that cough that ppl do when they're trying to cover something up. He also thinks back to when he was a teenager and his mother was pretending that she didn't see posters of women of his walls. He's tired of everyone lying and it's keeping him up.

His girl is lying to him, too (poison on your lips). There are happy times between these things that keep him up (her weekends by the lake, them staying in and not having anywhere to go). But in the end, it's not the same and he can't talk to her like he used to.

SO he's finally speaking his mind. He's saying he's tired and he's done; so he's leaving. But she'll be fine. (You'll hang like the rest). And that line has three meanings to me: she'll "hang in there" like the rest/ she'll hang like the posters on his wall, representing women from his past/ or she'll hang herself, not literally but bc they're killing their marriage. The 2nd thought is because of the mention of the posters in the beginning and the third one is because of the mention of the noose in the next line.

The noose line is also what made me think they were married. They're giving their attorney a noose, because they're ending their relationship, so it's like permission to kill them. And in the last few lines he's pleading for an end to this disease that is driving people apart. So, in a nutshell, I guess he's saying lying leads to serious relationship problems. He's just stating it beautifully.

Cold War Kids – Passing the Hat Lyrics 12 years ago
I don't think he's going home because he said "no one here knows my name...I bought my ticket just the same." Instead, I think he's trying to get away from corrupt America.

Arctic Monkeys – Crying Lightning Lyrics 12 years ago
I think this song is about a guy who is getting tired of his girlfriend (who happens to be addicted to candy ha ha), demanding all the attention and giving him none. To me, crying lighting just means that she's loud (like thunder and lightning)--she makes sure that you see her and hear her when she wants something. I'm sure guys can relate to this lol.

So, they're standing outside of a cafe and she's talking and chewing on her candy and he's thinking about how rude that is. She's like "I don't care, I've been called cold before. Hey you want a gobstopper, because I'm not gonna eat it?" And he's talking about how she's strange but she doesn't care and she doesn't mind putting people out of their comfort zone if she wants something (who goes to the ice-cream man in the rain?) But he used to like that she was so confident and got what she wanted.

Now he's trying to see her less because when she sees him she's not even that excited (your profile could not hide the fact you knew I was approaching your throne. With folded arms...) She doesn't even react to his approach and he's trying not to get hurt by it, but there's nothing there (no cracks to grasp...) to tell him that he isn't right. She's playing this game again and he hates it. And maybe when he brings it up she shouts and jumps around like the crazy person she is haha.

Mumford & Sons – Roll Away Your Stone Lyrics 12 years ago
Have you ever tried to overcome something so hard that you needed the support of your friends and family to "roll away that stone, venture into the darkness of yourself, and return victoriously, your soul newly impassioned", except it was those people that you love that were keeping you down in the first place? Or at least if they weren't keeping you down, they weren't bringing you out of the mess you were in, the darkness that you saw all around you. It's kind of like when a "friend" introduces you to a new drug that he seemingly has "control" of in himself and you try it and it engulfs your life. You're trying to get over that and go back to the old you but your friend won't come along. So you go on this journey and resurface victoriously, swearing never to go back to that hellhole: "hide your fires. these here are my desires and I won't give them up to you this time around." But then you fall back down again (last verse).

That's what this song is about to me.

Mumford & Sons – Roll Away Your Stone Lyrics 12 years ago
This song, to me, is about someone struggling to change into a better person. This person has been drawn to something that he is not proud of and wants to stop. He wants to embark on a journey but he wants to take his friend along that is struggling with the same thing. The thing is his friend doesn’t want to fix this problem so the speaker doesn’t have the support that he craves. His friend agrees to go on this journey with him to get back to their old selves, but only halfheartedly. So they're searching within themselves to find the old ones again. It's like inside our hearts and minds where we don't dare venture is a cave of our deepest secrets...
And when it gets to the end, it sounds like the speaker has fallen again, so I'm going to say it's the journey to self-discovery, recovery, and then falling again. And the cycle starts over.

[from] "Roll away your stone, I’ll roll away mine..." [to] "For I'm afraid of what I will discover inside"

At the beginning of the journey they're uncovering the cave to their hearts, but the speaker is telling his friend to stay close by because he afraid of what he'll find deep inside himself.

[from] "Cause you told me that I would find a hole..." [to] "And all the while my character it steals"

He's scared because his friend told him that he'd find hole deep inside. His friend has been there so he knows. Maybe the speaker doesn't want to fall in, i.e. fall into a deeper mess than he is already in. But he's been filling that hole with unrealistic worldly things that has been robbing him of his character. He doesn't even know who he is anymore.

"Darkness is a harsh term don’t you think?
And yet it dominates the things I see"

They're in a cave so all he sees is darkness.

[from] "It seems that all my bridges have been burned..." [to] "But the welcome I receive with the restart”

He is now realizing just how far down he's fallen, and his friend is telling him that it’s a long way back, probably giving up himself. The speaker knows he has a long way to go to get back to where he was. He doesn't mind though, he's willing because he made the mistakes in the first place. But he is excited to get back to his old life and start over.

"Darkness is a harsh term don’t you think?
And yet it dominates the things I see
Darkness is a harsh term don’t you think?
And yet it dominates the things I've seen"

He has finally emerged from the cave...notice how he goes from "darkness dominates the things I see" to "things I've seen". He is no longer in the darkness. He has resurfaced.

"Stars hide your fires,
These here are my desires
And I won't give them up to you this time around
And so, I’ll be found with my stake stuck in this ground
Marking the territory of this newly impassioned soul"

This is my favorite part of the song because it sounds so victorious, like something someone would truly chant after getting over a trial and gaining a new love for life. Since he can see the stars again because he has emerged from the cave, he's singing to the skies. He's found what he wanted in life and he won't let anyone take that from him, not again.

"But you, you’ve gone too far this time
You have neither reason nor rhyme
With which to take this soul that is so rightfully mine"

And this is where he has fallen back down. Without the support of his friend, he has fallen back into that hole in his soul.

...And that is why it is important to help your friend roll away their stones, because if they are left alone, they'll just end up dragging you down with them or being that person that needs help but doesn't know how to get it. Anyone can go from being the speaker to the friend back to the speaker in this song, I think...

Greg Laswell – Come Back Down (feat. Sara Bareilles) Lyrics 12 years ago
It's weird, part of this song reminds me of myself and part of it reminds me of my brothers. It reminds me of myself because sometimes I think that I make a big deal out of little things and put myself in a bad mood. I don't outwardly show it, but I am somewhat depressed and sometimes I do feel pathetic like I have nothing to be upset about but I can't be happy.

It reminds me of my brothers because every time they say "you've got to come back down" I think of how much they smoke and how it affects their lives. They're always high so it's like they're in another world. But all their friends and family are here and it's like they don't want to come back down and be how they used to be before MJ. They're not negative or anything, but I do feel like they have a lot of excuses for everything that they should be doing but aren't for some reason. It's like 'stop lying and blaming other people for your problems and come back down already'. Idk.

Anyway, to me this song is about a pessimist that won't come back to reality. He/ she probably thinks that nothing in the world is his/ her fault and probably depends on other people for everything though they are completely able to do it themselves. It is about a friend who has become completely lazy, irresponsible, and dependent because of substance abuse. I think. I really do like this song, though.

Mumford & Sons – Thistle & Weeds Lyrics 12 years ago
To me this is a song about a person trying to open their friend's eyes after they've experienced a change of heart. His friend has just lost faith in something, anything. Maybe a family member had passed and now they don't have faith in anything. And now he/ she is a bitter person. But he (singer) knows his friend potential to feel great things, he's seen it.

1st Verse: I know you have problems, everyone does; and I've got a lot on my mind right now since you've lost faith and basically abandoned me--and now I'm almost getting there too (to not believing in anything).

2nd: You've been corrupted so you're upset, but I know you've felt love. I know you can be happy. Think back to those times and be happy instead of sad. Because you're bringing me down with you.

Chorus: Be happy. Surround yourself with happiness, not the negative. Look pass that burden that you're carrying right now--it will be over soon. Be still. Be happy, and I will be too.

Because I'm holding on until you come to your senses.

I'm begging you to listen to me. There's more than what we have here. Leave what's in the past there, or else you'll be overcome with sadness.

Be happy. Think of the happy times, not the sad times, and take me with you.

**I've recently had a friend lose a sibling and I had no idea what to say to her. How do you tell your friend not to be sad? I knew I couldn't because I lost my father and I still cry about it every once in a while. And this loss was new to her. I told her I was there for her, but when I listen to this song, it makes me think about the times down the road where someone is upset about something that happened a while ago. You know, like me and my father? Some things are HARD and you just have to get over them, but it's HARD. And to me, this song is that friend that has been so patient. Waiting for their friend who experienced a loss (of anything really) to regain their faith in life. Because really, you can't be happy if your friends aren't happy, if you're really their friend. And I think whether you're religious or not, this applies because everyone believes in something.

Mumford & Sons – Thistle & Weeds Lyrics 12 years ago
To me this is a song about a person trying to open their friend's eyes after they've experienced a change of heart. His friend has just lost faith in something, anything. Maybe a family member had passed and now they don't have faith in anything. And now he/ she is a bitter person. But he (singer) knows his friend potential to feel great things, he's seen it.

1st Verse: I know you have problems, everyone does; and I've got a lot on my mind right now since you've lost faith and basically abandoned me--and now I'm almost getting there too (to not believing in anything).

2nd: You've been corrupted so you're upset, but I know you've felt love. I know you can be happy. Think back to those times and be happy instead of sad. Because you're bringing me down with you.

Chorus: Be happy. Surround yourself with happiness, not the negative. Look pass that burden that you're carrying right now--it will be over soon. Be still. Be happy, and I will be too.

Because I'm holding on until you come to your senses.

I'm begging you to listen to me. There's more than what we have here. Leave what's in the past there, or else you'll be overcome with sadness.

Be happy. Think of the happy times, not the sad times, and take me with you.

**I've recently had a friend lose a sibling and I had no idea what to say to her. How do you tell your friend not to be sad? I knew I couldn't because I lost my father and I still cry about it every once in a while. And this loss was new to her. I told her I was there for her, but when I listen to this song, it makes me think about the times down the road where someone is upset about something that happened a while ago. You know, like me and my father? Some things are HARD and you just have to get over them, but it's HARD. And to me, this song is that friend that has been so patient. Waiting for their friend who experienced a loss (of anything really) to regain their faith in life. Because really, you can't be happy if your friends aren't happy, if you're really their friend. And I think whether you're religious or not, this applies because everyone believes in something.

Mumford & Sons – Little Lion Man Lyrics 12 years ago
I absolutely agree! But also sometimes when I listen to it, I think he's talking to his best friend that he hurt. Have you read the book A Separate Peace? It's one of my favorites, and I recently reread it and for some reason could not stop relating this song to the book. Finny and Gene have a great friendship but Gene is constantly jealous of Finny which leads him to hurt Finny. At one point in the book Gene goes to visit Finny in the hospital and Finny doesn't want to talk with him (or can't speak with him I can't remember) but Gene runs away, distraught--as if he's trying to run from his problems. And I feel like that's when the songs starts. Gene is trying to outrun what he's done and he's thinking to himself "I'm such an idiot". And this really applies to anyone who has hurt someone and is trying to escape that.

Weep for yourself, my man
You'll never be what is in your heart.
Weep little lion man
You're not as brave as you were at the start
Rate yourself and [rake] yourself
Take all the courage you have left
Wasted on fixing all the problems
That you made in your own head

--Gene is giving Finny permission to feel sorry for himself because he is not the person he used to be, he can't do the things he used to. Gene feels terrible because he made all these problems in his head, which caused him to do a terrible thing to his best friend.

But it was not your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?

--Gene is saying this to Finny. It was my fault, but you're the one suffering for my foolishness. I really fucked up.

Tremble for yourself, my man
You know that you have seen this all before
Tremble little lion man
You'll never settle any of your score
Your grace is wasted in your face
Your boldness stands alone among the wreck
Learn from your mother
Or else spend your days biting your own neck

--Gene to Finny: Tremble because you'll never be satisfied. You're talented but well aware of it. You're bold but bring destruction with you where you walk. Listen to those who know better, or you'll end up hurting yourself. (Gene thought Finny was out of control yet got away with everything because he was charming. Even though Finny was his best friend, he felt he needed to learn a lesson).

But it was not your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?

--So he hurt him. But then he felt terribly guilty. I love this song so much! And the book! If ever there was a remake of the movie, I wish this song would be in the soundtrack. I almost want to make that happen myself. Anyway, I hope this makes sense to kind of makes me think of people I've wronged/ have been wronged's sad but such a beautifully and poetically written song.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.