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Greg Brown – Small Dark Movie Lyrics 11 years ago
Who plays slide in this song? It's nasty!

Neil Young – Slowpoke Lyrics 12 years ago
A Neil song with no comments? I can't add insight here, I came to find some.

Anyhow, I love the line "When I was faster, I was always behind."

R.E.M. – All the Best Lyrics 12 years ago
This song foreshadows the band's 2011 breakup. "There are some straight-forward see-you-laters on that one" said Mike Mills in Rolling Stone magazine.

G. Love and Special Sauce – Milk And Cereal Lyrics 17 years ago
No Grapenuts for Grandma
Grandma eats a Bran Muffin
Great! What album is this on?

Taj Mahal – Cakewalk Into Town Lyrics 17 years ago
It's interesting that the origin of the word "cakewalk" shows Africian-American roots...from

"Cakewalk" is an American invention, meaning "a very easy victory against little or no real opposition."

I've never understood why folks back in the 19th century spread the word that the streets of America were "paved with gold," as it's likely that we'd have attracted even more immigrants had we claimed cake as our national pavement. Cake has been a synonym for something good or easy since ancient Egypt, when mummies were often interred with a doggie bag of cakes and ale, and "cakes and ale" is still common shorthand for "the good life" in Britain. Not even Marie Antoinette's (probably apocryphal) rejoinder to the news that her subjects could not afford bread, "Then let them eat cake," dampened our love affair with a good slice of cake.

Cake is so popular, in fact, that it has long served as a prize awarded to the winner of all sorts of competitions, giving rise to the 19th century expression "take the cake." Originally simply meaning "to win," "take the cake" now is usually used sarcastically to mean "to be an outrageous example of something bad" (as in "Ken Lay filing for unemployment takes the cake").

One kind of contest popular in the African-American community in the 19th century was the "cakewalk," in which couples competed strolling arm in arm, with the prize, a cake, being awarded to the most graceful and stylish team.

Since "cakewalking" demanded both skill and grace, victory in the contest was rarely a "cakewalk" in our modern "easy" sense. That modern use of "cakewalk" in the came from the boxing ring, where a very easy victory over an outclassed opponent was likened to a refined "cakewalk" compared to the ordinarily prolonged and brutal nature of the matches. By 1877, "cakewalk" had graduated from the boxing ring and acquired its general meaning of "an effortless victory."

Incidentally, the term "piece of cake," meaning "something easily accomplished," has only been traced back to the 1940s, and there is no apparent direct connection with "cakewalk." "Piece of cake" originally simply meant "something good," which cake certainly is.

Neil Young – Walk On Lyrics 19 years ago
Lynyrd Skynyrd responded to "Southern Man' with "Sweet Home Alabama". This is Neil's response to that song. It's also sort of meant to be a message to his record companies old and new, CSN, anyone stuck in the past, and whoever f's with Neil. Neil's so very underrated - Classic rock stations play just a few of his songs. What stations play his newer songs, besides "Harvest Moon"? I smell a conspiracy.

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 20 years ago
This song means that John Lennon wasn't afraid to take risks. Man, less than 5 years earlier they were doing Please Please Me... and now this?? He was ahead of his time and wanted to experiment with some totally different stuff. Luckily, he got it all out in one song, and went on from there!

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 20 years ago
This song means that John Lennon wasn't afraid to take risks. Man, less than 5 years earlier they were doing Please Please Me... and now this?? He was ahead of his time and wanted to experiment with some totally different stuff. Luckily, he got it all out in one song, and went on from there!

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 20 years ago
This song means that John Lennon wasn't afraid to take risks. Man, less than 5 years earlier they were doing Please Please Me... and now this?? He was ahead of his time and wanted to experiment with some totally different stuff. Luckily, he got it all out in one song, and went on from there!

Led Zeppelin – The Lemon Song Lyrics 20 years ago
Squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my leg.
The way you squeeze my lemon, I'm gonna fall right out of bed.

This part is vintage Robert Johnson. The rest is "Killing Floor" which I think was written by Willie Dixon for Howlin' Wolf, but I might be wrong about that part. Either way, although I love Zep, it's too bad they still get credit for songs the old blues musicians wrote. Always go back and check out the originals...Zep did!

Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times Lyrics 20 years ago
Well they call me the hunter, that's my name.
They call me the hunter, that's how I got my fame.
Ain't no need to hide, Ain't no need to run.
'Cause I've got you in the sights of my..........gun!

I love Zep, but this lyric is directly stolen from Freddy King's The Hunter.

Led Zeppelin – I Can't Quit You Baby Lyrics 20 years ago
This one song created heavy metal from the blues. I hope you can listen to the old Little Milton version to see what Zep added to it. The POWER CHORD! "Made me mistreat my only child"....DHUUNNN-DUHNT!

Led Zeppelin – You Shook Me Lyrics 20 years ago
"I have a bird that whistles and I have birds that sing."

This lyric is one of the best blues lyrics of all time. As far as I know, blues legend Robert Johnson wrote the line, but back then, musicians "borrowed" lyrics here and there. The Lemon Song stole from Robert Johnson some too. Anyhow Blues bassist/writer Willie Dixon wrote the song. Anyhow, it's about having two women, one that whistles - that's the one you got at home, and one that "sings" - that's the other woman, the one on the side!

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