iNiks' Mixtapes

Tape Songs Comments
Fourth of July
The mix tape for the night where you go out into a field and lie on the hood of your car, staring up at the night sky and drinking beer. Thi...
3 0
I Am For You
A mix for a friend who's going through tough times. You don't need the drugs and the distractions. I know you say that you don't want any...
13 0
Like Statues at the Gate
Departure -- no one likes it but there are always songs to address your emotions and make you come to terms with yourself and the inevitable...
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Living Auto Pilot
Do you know the feeling when you only remember waking up but the next thing you know, you're already dressed? You live days, at times, on au...
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Lost in Outerspace
For the days when you feel like you're not living, rather, you're just... there. You're just... being. You serve no purpose, you don't get o...
12 0
Peter Pan Is Miles Away
The mix for the pissed.
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Need inspiration? Hopefully this mix will bring you some. Swimming is a metaphor of living. This mix was inspired by the song Swim on Jac...
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The 'What If's of Life
WHAT IF things always went the way you wanted them to? Plans never got ruined, you never lost your cool, everything was perfect... Sadly,...
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The Best of Andrew McMahon
I love this man and everything he does. He is a musical genius and I could listen to his songs for the rest of my life. Here are my personal...
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The Funeral
Play these at my funeral, please. Probably not your typical funeral mix, but I absolutely want these songs at mine.
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The Imminent
Things that we all deny but, deep in our hearts, know are true.
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The Wedding March
Songs I'd love to have at my wedding reception.
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The Whole Nine Yards
Ever wanted the whole nine yards? Yeah, me too. Especially with that one boy I've always had my eye on. This mix was inspired by Charlott...
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Wait It Out
For my dearest Maria Mariano, "This is my mixtape for you. It's like I wrote every word with my own fingers."
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You Could Destroy Me
For the boy who I've given everything to.
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